News: the brain

Survival Strategies

I’ve been asked many times how I’ve coped with caring for Ed during the past 12 years.  There’s no one answer that fits all (just as there’s no one size that fits all), but over the next couple of weeks I’ll share some strategies that have helped me.     I won’t address them in any particular order—at different moments…

Lucid moments

Today, when I saw Ed at the facility where he lives, he was extremely lucid; and it was very painful for both of us. The first thing he said to me was that he felt as though he were in another world.  He told me he didn’t want to be around people with his disease (he doesn’t remember that it’s…

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Memories and Truth

I’ve always been interested in memory and there was a time in my life when I wanted to do research on the subject.  That was until I realized that statistics was a necessary part of the program.  So, I altered my career goals—but my interest in memory continued.  How ironic that, many decades later, I would be married to a…

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